Your success is our success so we are here to help you with integration, clinical knowledge, practice efficiency and marketing for your practice growth.
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Our goal is to share tools with your entire team to meaningfully improve your practice. InBrace U combines the best in-person trainings to accommodate the busy schedules of your team.

Illuminate: for Ortho Assistants
Our Illuminate course is targeted for OAs (Ortho Assistants) and RDAs (Registered Dental Assistants) and takes OAs/RDAs through InBrace clinical learning and practical application. We certify OAs/RDAs on InBrace through proctored testing and practical application.

Activate: for Providers
Our Activate course is targeted towards our lnBrace providers. Activate takes you through how to co-design the ideal smile and how to understand case types and techniques to achieve predictable outcomes.
Want to Learn More?
We offer technical and clinical resources to you and your practice to reach clinical mastery of InBrace.